Dental care is a significant part of maintaining proper oral health. We care for our teeth and visit the dentist to keep our mouth healthy and maintain a good smile. Discolored, broken, or crooked teeth could affect your outlook and, in return, impact your self-esteem. Cosmetic dentistry consists of various procedures that enhance your teeth’ aesthetics. Some dental services fall into different categories in that they restore some damage to your teeth while still providing the desired outlook for you. A wide range of cosmetic density procedures can fix your dental flaws ranging from minor changes to your teeth to major oral surgeries. The outcome of a cosmetic procedure can either improve your smile or cause you more dental complications. Therefore, when you seek a cosmetic dental service, it is vital to ensure that you consult with a skilled cosmetic dentist. The following are some of the dental services which are considered cosmetic:

Cosmetic Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells attached to your tooth enamel’s front surface to enhance its appearance. Veneers are either composite resin or porcelain and are permanent. Your dentist can advise you to use veneers for cosmetic concerns such as broken, chipped, or discolored teeth. When one tooth is chipped, some people opt for veneers covering several teeth to achieve uniformity.

  • Composite resin veneers. If you choose composite resin for your veneers, your dentist will remove a small part of your enamel before applying the composite material. The composite layers are added until the desired look is achieved. The dentist will then complete the procedure by shining a special light to harden the material.
  • Porcelain veneers. With a porcelain veneer, the dentist will remove some part of your tooth, make an impression and send it to a laboratory to create your veneers. The dentist places the veneers on the prepared tooth surface when the veneers are ready. Before the permanent veneers are fitted, you may need to wear a temporary fitting to prevent tooth sensitivity.

When choosing the type of veneer to suit your need, you may want to consider the following factors:

  • Cost. Veneers are not the cheapest option for cosmetic restorations. However, they serve you longer and provide the desired outlook. Different materials have different prices. Therefore, before opting for porcelain, composite or traditional veneers, you need to consider your budget.
  • Appearance. If you want to have a natural look, porcelain and composter veneers may be a better choice when compared to traditional veneers.
  • Longevity of the installations. When you undergo a cosmetic dental procedure, you want something to serve you longer. This minimizes your trips to the dentist.
  • Traditional veneers. The application of conventional veneers involves grinding down your tooth structure to create solace for the veneer. Due to the sensitivity and pain associated with removing part of your enamel, you may require local anesthesia to fit traditional veneers.

Dental Implants

Placement of dental implants is a standard service offered in cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants are tooth-like materials attached directly to your gums and act as a replacement for lost teeth. Oral implants are often made of titanium since the body easily tolerates the metal. Placement of dental implants is a procedure available for individuals who have lost their teeth through disease or injury.

If you want to have natural-looking and feeling false teeth, you should opt for dental implants. While the placement of implants can be used for restoration, some people use them to achieve the desired tooth alignment. When one or more of your teeth distort the alignment of your teeth, you can have the natural tooth removed and replaced with a dental implant.

Dental implants can either be Endosteal or subperiosteal, depending on their placement and materials. With an Endosteal implant, the dentist will use blades, place the false tooth root, then screw the tooth into the root. This implant is suitable for an individual with existing removable dentures or bridges.

On the other hand, sub-periosteal implants are placed surgically on your jaw. A metal framework protrudes through to the gum and holds the false tooth. Placement of a dental implant is an invasive procedure that may require anesthesia. For this reason, you must seek the services of a skilled cosmetic dentist to fit the implants.

While the risk of failure is low, the dental implant can bring complications. When the procedure is done with unsterilized tools, the implant site could be infected and cause gum inflammation. Additionally, when the procedure is done on a person with a weak bone structure, the excessive force from drilling could cause damage to other teeth. Before undergoing the procedure, the dentist must assess your overall oral health. This is done by checking the strength of your bones and the presence of allergies.


Braces are orthodontic dental toots used to realign your teeth. Misaligned ad crooked teeth can significantly impact your smile. Additionally, poorly aligned teeth may make it challenging to maintain the required level of oral hygiene. Sometimes, a cosmetic dentist may recommend that you undergo this procedure over other procedures. Primarily, braces are associated with teenagers. However, as an adult, you can still explore this cosmetic service for aligning your teeth. Braces come in three different forms, including:

  • Brackets that are placed at the back of your teeth
  • Wires attached to the front part of the teeth
  • Metal bands wrapped around the teeth

Depending on your specific need, your dentist will recommend the correct type of braces for you. After the braces are fitted, you may need to keep them for a while to achieve proper alignment.

Cosmetic Dental Crown

A dental crown is a structure that replaces the entire decayed or damaged tooth to restore its shape, strength, size, and outlook. Dental crowns help prevent further damage or breakage of weakened teeth. Placement of dental crowns is useful for cosmetically fixing misaligned or discolored teeth. While crowns are available in resin metal, ceramic, and porcelain, most individuals who undergo the procedure for cosmetic purposes will opt for porcelain. 

Porcelain is a material that mimics the color and outlook of natural teeth or even better. Therefore, the placement of a porcelain crown will strengthen your tooth and improve your outlook. The process of placing a dental crown takes several dental visits. On your first appointment, the dentist will assess your teeth, and if you are a good candidate for the procedure, they will shape your teeth and make an impression. The dentist will place a temporary crown ad send the print to a laboratory where your actual crown is made.

The placement of a temporary crown helps avoid the accumulation of food particles and bacteria on the tooth. In your second visit, the dentist will place your custom-made crown and advise you on proper care practices for your crown.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most basic and least expensive dental procedures. With teeth, your teeth may stain from medications, foods, and beverages like coffee or alcohol and smoking. Discolored teeth can significantly affect your smile and self-esteem. Teeth whitening is a procedure that brightens your teeth and smile without removing any enamel material. Professional teeth bleaching is the most common form of whitening.

Like other dental procedures, your dentist will ensure that you are best suited for the service. A protective gel is then placed on your teeth before the whitening product is smeared around the teeth. The active bleaching agent in these chemicals is hydrogen peroxide, and it lightens the color.

When a bleaching agent is used, teeth whitening takes three to four weeks. However, with advancements in technology, laser teeth whitening is now available. During this procedure, the dentist puts a rubber dam over the teeth to protect your gums and paints the breaching product over the teeth. After this, the dentist will shine a laser on the teeth to activate the chemical. The laser increases the bleaching agent’s reaction time for the procedure.

The amount you spend on teeth whitening will vary depending on your chosen procedure. Often, laser or power whitening may be more expensive when compared to the teeth whitening gel. Teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure. Therefore, you will need to take extra care of your teeth by maintaining good hygiene and avoiding habits like smoking.

Before you undergo a tooth whitening procedure, it is vital to understand that it only works on your natural teeth. Therefore, if you have other restorations like dentures, veneers, or crowns, you may not be able to change their color. The only solution for stained dentures is professional cleaning.

While tooth whitening is a relatively basic procedure, some individuals report increased tooth sensitivity after whitening. Other side effects that have been reported after the procedure include sore throat, white patches on the gums, and discomfort. If you have preexisting medical or dental complications, you need to notify your dentist before performing the procedure.


Invisalign is a form of braces that use clear tray aligners. These restorations are made from plastic material manufactured in a factory based on your teeth’s mold. The aligners are solid pieces whose strength can slowly push your teeth into the desired position. Invisalign is a purely cosmetic procedure that provides significant help for individuals with crooked teeth and large gaps between the teeth.

The first step in placement of the Invisalign is consultation with your dentist. Your dentist will assess the overall health of your mouth and teeth and your smile. If you are a good fit for the procedure, an impression of your teeth will be taken and sent to the laboratory. A set of aligners is custom-made for you using the mold from your teeth.

Invisalign uses aligner trays which your dentist will replace in one or two weeks. Each installation will fit differently and gear towards shifting your teeth to the desired position. It is essential to understand that even though Invisalign is made of plastic, they are more like braces and not retainers. This is because they push your teeth, and at the end of the procedure, you will notice a significant change in the positioning of your teeth.

The cost of Invisalign ranges between $3,000 and $7,000 depending on the following factors:

  • Your overall oral health and the amount of work needed for the procedure are significant. If your teeth are more distorted, you may need to pay more than a person with a slight misalignment. Also, if you need other treatment procedures, you may need to spend more.
  • The amount your insurance can pay may determine what you pay. Since Invisalign is a purely cosmetic service, your insurance coverage will pay little or nothing to fund the procedure. Therefore, it is essential to consult with your insurance provider before undergoing this procedure.

Although aligning your teeth may seem only to improve your look, crooked teeth can be challenging to clean, thus increasing the likelihood of decay. If you want the Invisalign to serve you as expected, you need always to wear your aligners and maintain good oral hygiene.

Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

Choosing what best suits your needs can be significant with many ways to improve your smile. Cosmetic teeth reshaping is a simple and cost-effective alternative for individuals with minor tooth imperfections. Cosmetic reshaping is a minimally invasive procedure where your dentist uses a laser to drill and remove the enamel on your tooth. By doing this, your tooth is altered to the desired length and width. Mainly this procedure is used to correct specific problem areas of the tooth.

Cosmetic tooth reshaping can either be on its own or part of a dental care plan alongside dental bonding, braces, or other dental procedures. When your teeth are shaped as you desire, the dentist will polish them, leaving you with a clean and refreshed smile. Some of the benefits you accrue from this procedure include:

  • It provides instant results. Other equally beneficial dental procedures like veneers and crowns require regular dental visits to achieve the desired outcome. On the other hand, tooth reshaping is a one-time procedure, and you walk out of the dentist’s office with your desired outcome. Although you must undergo a first assessment with the dentist, you will not need to return to the dentist.
  • Pain-free. Another significant benefit of cosmetic teeth reshaping is that the procedure is pain-free. This makes it a good alternative if you are a person with a low tolerance for pain. Since reshaping is done on individual teeth, the procedure does not interfere with the nerves. If you have a history of severe tooth sensitivity, your dentist could recommend numbing before the procedure.
  • Improves oral health. In some cases, cosmetic tooth reshaping could improve your oral health significantly. Overlapped teeth may be difficult to clean, and when you don’t maintain good oral hygiene, tooth decay and other complications increase.
  • Cost-effective. The most significant benefit of cosmetic tooth reshaping is achieving the desired smile on a low budget. Most cosmetic dental services are costly. However, tooth reshaping will cost you between $30 and $300 per tooth, depending on the reshaping required. Additional tooth reshaping is a permanent procedure, and once you have acquired your desired length and shape, the tooth cannot grow back.  

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction is a dental procedure that falls within cosmetic dentistry. If you are into public speaking r are very sensitive to your outlook, dental complications like tooth discoloration, chipped teeth, or misaligned teeth can cause discomfort. Full mouth reconstruction is an effective procedure, and its main aim is to restore the outlook and function of your teeth. The extent of the procedure varies depending on the needs of each patient or the level of damage.

This procedure is suitable for individuals with dental complications that occur naturally or from an accident. While full mouth reconstruction helps with tooth function, it is considered cosmetic since most people do it to improve their appearance. With this type of procedure, you may undergo a series of minor procedures to enhance the aesthetics.

Find La Puente Dentist Near Me

Having a beautiful smile is everyone’s dream since it boosts your confidence. While many dental services are geared towards restoring your teeth and preventing further damage, cosmetic dentistry has become common. The sole aim of cosmetic procedures is to improve your smile and the outlook of your teeth. When you want to improve your smile, you can explore several cosmetic dentistry options, including teeth whitening, braces, dental veneers, cosmetic reshaping, and dental crowns, among others. 

While most of these procedures help improve your smile, not all of them will work for you. Therefore, if you seek to undergo a cosmetic dental procedure, it would be wise to seek the expert guidance of a cosmetic dentist. The dentist will take you through the pros and cons of each procedure and guide you through choosing what best fits your needs. At La Puente Advanced Dentistry, we offer modern and specialized cosmetic dental services to correct your dental flaws and restore your beautiful smile. We serve clients requiring cosmetic dental services in La Puente, CA. Call us today at 626-626-7075.