When you think about your child’s oral health, several factors may come into mind. For example, children are prone to cavities and tooth decays because of their high sugar intake. However, there are various other medical conditions to consider, along with the effects they present to your child. Therefore, you want to have as much information as possible on the prevalent pediatric conditions that may affect your child. In doing so, you equip yourself with the required knowledge to detect a problem. Subsequently, you can avoid dealing with severe complications by seeing a pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

While every parent wishes to detect their child’s problems before they worsen, you may not always have the opportunity to do so. As a result, you will need to consult a professional who understands the best treatment options for the child’s quick recovery. Thus, you want to consult a reliable pediatric dentist who can provide workable solutions for your child’s oral health. With La Puente Advanced Dentistry, you will have access to well-experienced pediatric dentists serving in La Puente, California. Their years of specialized services make them an excellent choice for any parent looking for a pediatric dentist. With their help, your child is in good hands and will receive reliable pediatric dental treatment.

The Role of a Pediatric Dentist

While the human body retains the same features from birth into adulthood, children require extra attention because they are sensitive to medical conditions. Among these conditions are dental problems that may attack at any time after teething occurs. As a result, pediatric dentists specialize in handling dental treatment for children. They conduct research and formulate preventative and treatment-oriented solutions that a child can handle.

A pediatric dentist should consider the various factors whether the child’s oral cavity is still growing. If so, they will make informed decisions centered around adjusting to the child’s changes, even as they develop into adulthood.

Further, a pediatric dentist plays a significant role in preventing future dental complications for the child. They do this by running tests, observing the oral cavity development, and issuing preventive guidelines. If the parents or guardians encourage the child to follow the guidelines, they can expect healthy dental development.

Additionally, emergencies involving children require extra attention, primarily if they result in severe injuries. With a pediatric doctor’s help, the child can restore their normal oral functioning despite facing serious obstacles. For example, if a child’s jaw is dislocated, they need urgent pediatric dentistry treatment to correct the jaw position. A failure to do so may cause future complications with the child’s ability to control jaw movements.

Dental Conditions Affecting Children

A pediatric dentist is responsible for a wide range of medical services formulated for children from the roles discussed above. Nevertheless, each child develops differently, meaning they are exposed to varying dental conditions. Thus, understanding the common problems affecting children is necessary, as you will have a starting point when seeking help. The prevalent dental conditions affecting children include:

Teeth Misalignment

Usually, teeth should grow along the jawbone, following a straight and consistent order. However, teeth misalignment is a common condition among children who have undergone the milking process. This is when the milk teeth fall off and are replaced with permanent teeth. Although your child may remove the milk teeth on time, the difference in size for secondary teeth can cause misalignment.

The condition arises from several causes that vary depending on the child’s circumstances. Firstly, overcrowded teeth cause some to fall out of line, leading to misalignment. For example, the upper front teeth may grow larger than before, causing displacement in the adjacent canines.

Additionally, poor tongue positioning may push some teeth outwards, depending on their resting place. If your child is prone to placing the tongue behind the front teeth, they may develop an overbite. This is because the tongue creates an outward force.

Similarly, children who suck their thumbs create the same outward pressure, leading to an overbite. There are many other misalignment causes that your dentist is happy to discuss with you, mainly if they affect your child.

Grinding Teeth or Bruxism

Further, some children (and adults) are prone to grinding their teeth and clenching their jaws unconsciously, in a condition called bruxism. The behavior stems from different causes, so you want to study your child carefully to determine the cause.

A common origin for bruxism is jaw misalignment, whereby one jaw may protrude further out than the other. Consequently, the child grinds their teeth or clenches the jaws to find comfort when closing their mouth. Typically, they are more prone to the habit when asleep, as the body tries to regulate itself.

Additionally, bruxism may be stress-induced, causing the child to resort to it as a coping mechanism. Hence, you can talk to the child to determine if external factors are potential stressors. If so, managing the condition may be easier compared to the first instance where medical intervention is necessary.

Recurrent Bad Breath

If you notice that your child has recurrent bad breath, you want to consider seeking medical attention. The condition may arise from poor oral hygiene, especially after consuming sugary foods. On the other hand, recurrent and persistent bad breath may indicate an underlying condition.

Mostly, bad breath arises when bacteria break down sugar or die in your mouth cavity. Thus, the smell indicates the possible presence of bacteria, even though they are not necessarily on the teeth and gums. For example, chronic tonsillitis can cause bad breath as bacteria die in the throat glands.

Therefore, dismissing bad breath as poor oral hygiene results may be inaccurate. You want to consult a pediatric dentist to ensure your child is not prone to an underlying medical complication.

Prevalence of cavities

Once in a while, you may notice a cavity on your child’s tooth. However, you want to help them manage the cavities by incorporating a good brushing routine. Nevertheless, the cavity spread can become prevalent, resulting in multiple affected teeth. Once you notice a fast growth in the small holes, you want to involve a pediatric dentist.

Their analysis can help you determine whether the cleaning methods your child uses are effective. Further, they can help determine if stubborn food particles are stuck between the teeth, causing persistent cavity growth.

Tooth Decays

The simplest way to define tooth decay is a condition arising from severe cavities. Most tooth decay cases involve non-action when the tooth was first infected with cavities. Consequently, the bacteria in the small holes continue to thrive and eat the enamel away.

As a result, a tooth cavity can involve severe enamel damage and gum and nerve infections. Extreme cases may also include the development of dental abscesses around the affected tooth. Abscesses are small pockets containing pus from the continuing infection and should be removed as soon as possible.

Severe Gum Infections

Gums are also at risk of infections arising from several causes. Firstly, bleeding gums may affect your child primarily from a lack of sufficient body vitamins. Consequently, the gums become sensitive to small impacts and may bleed even when chewing.

Severe gum infections can arise if the child’s gum cavity cannot contain the infection anymore. Consequently, the child’s teeth become loose and may fall out. The gum tissue also swells and becomes more sensitive to touch, making the child unable to continue with their normal life.

Possible Pediatric Treatments for Dental Conditions

Having discussed the various problems affecting children’s oral health, it is also important to understand how a pediatric dentist manages them. With the knowledge, you will appreciate the reason for different procedures and whether they are necessary.

Further, the treatment options help you prepare for subsequent after-care requirements. As a parent, you will be better positioned to help your child follow these aftercare tips if you understand the treatment. Some pediatric treatment options are:

Prescribing an Oral Device to Manage Bruxism

Your pediatric dentist can prescribe an oral device to help prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Typically, the child will wear the device when going to sleep until they can handle self-management without its help.

Orthodontic Treatment for Misaligned Teeth

Orthodontic treatment involves re-aligning the child’s teeth using dental devices like braces and Invisalign. It is a gradual treatment method, meaning you will need to attend appointments regularly. While orthodontic treatment is available, your dentist will advise you to wait until your child loses all their milk teeth, and the permanent teeth grow. They do this to prevent delays and setbacks in treatment that occur due to new teeth growing.

You should also note that most orthodontic services are slightly more expensive than other treatment options. They factor in various factors including the pre-treatment steps, obtaining the orthodontic devices, as well as installation charges.

Tooth Extractions for Cavities and Severe Tooth Decay

Children dealing with severe cavities and tooth decays may have to undergo extractions to prevent the spread of bacteria to unaffected teeth. Most children find the procedure scary and would rather keep the dental condition a secret. Consequently, you want to work with a pediatric dentist who can calm your child down before the procedure and keep them engaged throughout.

Antibacterial Medication for Gum Diseases and Bad Breath

As mentioned, some dental conditions occur because of building bacteria in the mouth or in structures around the oral cavity. Subsequently, the child may have to take an antibiotic prescription to determine whether the problem will resolve. The treatment option is viable for gum diseases and bad breath, as they involve rapid bacterial growth.

Nonetheless, you want to ensure your pediatric dentist has in-depth knowledge of the type of drugs to prescribe to children of different ages. This is to prevent possibilities of medical complications from prescribing powerful drugs that the child’s body cannot handle.

Creating a Prevention Structure for Your Child’s Oral Health

Although your pediatric dentist may treat the problem manifested at the time, you should remember that most conditions arise from recurrent behavior. For example, cavities come from inconsistent and incorrect brushing methods that allow bacteria to thrive. As a result, the dentist will provide additional tips on how to prevent recurrent dental conditions.

When the child practices the guidelines and incorporates them into their routine, you can worry less about dealing with severe complications. The recommended prevention tips to observe are:

Creating a Through Teeth-Cleaning Routine

You can protect your child from dealing with multiple dental conditions by helping them create a thorough brushing routine. Usually, your pediatric dentist will recommend brushing frequency is after every meal, but following these directives is sometimes difficult.

For example, the child may be in school and will follow a different routine that prevents constant brushing. Instead, you want to recommend brushing at least twice a day to maintain good oral hygiene. Moreover, supervising the child’s brushing methods is helpful, as you can observe whether they clean the teeth thoroughly.

If you notice poor brushing methods, you can guide them on improving and ensuring their exercise removes all harmful particles. For example, you can encourage brushing in circular motions,andor in an upwards and downwards movement. Once the child takes up the routine, they are less likely to develop cavities, tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.

Visiting a Pediatric Dentist Regularly for Checks

Often, parents request a consultation when the child’s condition is almost out of hand. This is because the child will likely complain of pain, discomfort, or sensitivity. Consequently, the condition may be difficult to treat, requiring invasive procedures.

You can prevent serious dental conditions by scheduling regular dental check-ups for your child. Doing this gives the pediatric dentist a chance to detect possible problems on time and handle them adequately. An excellent starting point is scheduling a dental check-up every six months for effective examinations.

Further, regular check-ups are important to help the doctor track the child’s recovery if they have received prior treatment. Thus, you do not have to worry about infections or reversal of the treated condition.

Practicing Good Tongue Posture

Problems related to teeth misalignment and grinding/clenching the jaw also often arise from poor tongue posture. Usually, the tongue should rest on the top mouth palate to prevent interference with breathing and teeth positions.

Therefore, you can encourage your child to practice good tongue posture from an early age. If they learn to do so, their mouth cavity develops normally, keeping the chances of misalignment and bruxism at a minimum.

Detecting Oral Problems Early for Efficient Treatment

If you cannot schedule regular dental check-ups, you want to remain active in observing your child’s dental health. Regular checks will help you detect a condition early if any, to prevent unmanageable complications.

The check-ups can include observing the teeth enamel for signs of cavities, checking the child’s breath, and the teeth alignment. Upon detecting possible problems, you want to contact your pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

The Cost of Pediatric Dentistry Services

Although parents may want to access many dental services for their child’s well-being, medical expenses are a common obstacle. This is the case especially for parents with no medical insurance or a cover with limited access to dental healthcare. Consequently, your child may miss out on helpful checks and treatment, resulting in future complications.

When you consult a pediatric dentist to seek medical services, you want to discuss the costs upfront. This gives you a chance to understand the financial responsibility you are taking on and assess whether you can handle it. For others, you will have an opportunity to start saving and later access the service.

In reality, the price of pediatric services varies depending on various factors. For example, if your child requires orthodontic services, you may pay more than a procedure to place cavity fillings. As a result, you want to consult your dentist on the exact prices to help you prepare finances.

If you cannot afford to pay the medical expenses upfront, you can always request your dentist consider a payment plan. Making the request will ensure your child’s medical needs come first, even as you work out a payment structure.

Upon agreeing on a suitable plan, you will be more comfortable accessing the services and providing your child the best treatment available. Therefore, we recommend raising the issue as soon as possible to help your dentist present the available options. Overall, our goal is to provide timely medical services that promote full recovery or prevention in your child’s health interests.

Contact a Pediatric Dentist Near Me

Naturally, all parents want the best for their children, including a healthy dental life. Hence, you want to contact an experienced pediatric dentist as soon as you notice any problems with your child’s well-being. You can help prevent serious health risks by remaining proactive in the child’s life so that you can detect emerging issues. After making a consultation with the dentist, they will then present treatment solutions and prevention tips for future reference. Therefore, seeking help from a skilled team is a priority, as you will entrust your child’s health to them quickly.

At La Puente Advanced Dentistry, we work hard to provide the best pediatric dentistry services for clients in La Puente, California. Thanks to years of practice, the team has handled mild, moderate, and severe pediatric dental conditions, exposing them to different circumstances. The outcome is a well-equipped team of dentists who can navigate a series of challenges to secure your child’s oral health. If you or a loved one requires pediatric dentistry services, contact us today at 626-626-7075.