Deep cleaning is a dental procedure ideal for individuals with specific oral health conditions. This treatment is more extensive than regular dental cleaning and is typically performed by a dental hygienist or a periodontist. Deep cleaning addresses and prevents the progression of gum disease. Gum disease can seriously affect your oral health if left untreated.

Understanding Deep Teeth Cleaning

Also known as scaling and root planing, deep cleaning is a therapeutic procedure that dentists use to halt gum diseases and prevent them from progressing. This procedure controls plaque and tartar buildup deep inside the gum tissues of the infected periodontal pockets. Unlike traditional teeth cleanings, dentists always use special instrumentation or technology during deep teeth cleanings.

Candidates For Deep Cleaning

If you have active periodontal disease with symptoms of tissue detachment, you are a good candidate for deep teeth cleaning. Below are the best candidates for deep cleaning:

Individuals With Gum Disease

The primary candidates for deep teeth cleaning are those who have developed gum disease. Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar accumulate along and below the gum line. This leads to inflammation and infection of the gum tissues. Common symptoms include red, swollen, bleeding gums and bad breath. Deep teeth cleaning helps remove the accumulated plaque and tartar from the gum pockets. It promotes gum healing and prevents further damage.

Patients With Signs Of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease. It is characterized by mild inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Regular dental cleanings can usually address gingivitis. If gingivitis is left untreated and allowed to progress, it can lead to more severe gum disease, requiring deep teeth cleaning.

Those With Excessive Plaque And Tartar Buildup

Some individuals are more prone to developing plaque and tartar. Genetics, oral hygiene habits, diet, and lifestyle choices can influence plaque and tartar buildup. If excessive plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth and gums can lead to gum disease. You can prevent plaque and tartar buildup through deep teeth cleaning.

Smokers and Tobacco Users

Smoking and tobacco use can significantly increase the risk of developing gum disease. The toxins in tobacco products weaken the immune system and impair gum tissue health. Therefore, smokers are often more susceptible to gum infections and require deep teeth cleaning.

Patients With A History Of Gum Disease

Once a person has experienced gum disease, they are more likely to face recurrent episodes. Regular deep teeth cleanings can be recommended to manage the condition effectively and prevent it from progressing.

Individuals With Certain Health Conditions

Some medical conditions, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and immune disorders, can also increase the risk of gum disease. Therefore, patients with these conditions may benefit from more frequent deep teeth cleanings to maintain optimal oral health.

Signs Of Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis is usually the first disease, followed by periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an advanced stage of gingivitis. Usually, gingivitis only causes mild bleeding, swelling, and redness. However, periodontal infections usually escalate these symptoms. The typical signs of periodontal gum disease could include the following:


  • Periodontal pockets around teeth.
  • Bone loss.
  • Food getting stuck in your gums or teeth.
  • Spaces between teeth.
  • Tartar buildup.
  • Chronic bad breath.
  • Tooth mobility and loss.
  • Gum recession.
  • Gums that bleed easily.
  • Swollen gums.


 Only your dentist can diagnose symptoms like tartar on root surfaces, bone loss, and periodontal pockets. However, your dentist will require X-rays and special instruments to evaluate the level of damage. Your dentist will also need special instruments to categorize your gum disease.


If you consume tobacco products, you will not experience similar symptoms of gum disease as a non-smoker. Your gums could look perfectly healthy because of a lack of blood circulation and inflammation, yet there is an underlying problem. 

Health Issues Caused By Periodontal Diseases

Aggressive and untreated gum disease is directly linked to common conditions like:


  • Preeclampsia and stillbirth.
  • Infertility.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Uncontrolled blood glucose levels in diabetics.
  • A higher risk of pneumonia.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Standard Cleaning Is Not Enough

A deep teeth cleaning is necessary if a dentist diagnoses you with periodontal gum disease. This procedure is necessary because basic preventative cleanings cannot sufficiently reach down into affected areas and clean up heavy tartar buildup. If you do not undergo a deep cleaning, you will leave all the bacteria below your gum line. The bacteria left could then spread into your bloodstream. The roots of your teeth could gradually crumble, even if the top looks healthy.


The dentist can recommend a deep cleaning if you have several gum pockets that are more than 5mm deep. Your dentist will also recommend a deep cleaning if you have several symptoms of gum disease. You are also a good candidate for deep cleaning if there are visible tartar deposits on your X-rays.

What To Expect

You could wonder what to expect if you are scheduled for deep cleaning. Your dentist will advise you accordingly during the initial consultation. After the procedure, it is normal to experience minor soreness along your gums or where the local anesthetic is injected. You can take ibuprofen for several days as the physician directs to relieve the discomfort. Here is what to expect during a deep cleaning.  

Examination, X-rays, and Periodontal Charting

Once you visit your dentist, the dentist will examine you and take you for X-rays if necessary. He/she will also do periodontal charting before scheduling you for the actual deep teeth cleaning. These three steps are necessary to determine the extent of gum disease and bone loss.

Numbing Gel or Local Anesthetic

Numbing gel or local anesthesia is applied to the areas around the affected teeth before cleaning to prevent sensitivity. Some patients prefer anesthesia, while others do not need any numbing medication. You could request a local anesthetic if you have sensitive teeth in general. Your dentist can also apply a numbing gel and re-evaluate it after a few minutes.

Use Of Laughing Gas

Also known as nitrous oxide, laughing gas can ease your anxiety and help you feel more relaxed. The gas can be used during general dental appointments, including routine or deep cleanings. Laughing gas is effective and 100% reversible. Therefore, you can drive back home after the procedure.

Ultrasonic Tool And Hand Teeth Scaling

During root planing and teeth scaling, your dentist will remove most of the buildup under the gum line using a thin ultrasonic tool. The ultrasonic tool typically rotates and irrigates the immediate space around the teeth as it removes tartar. This tool destroys bacteria colonies to create a clean environment inside your periodontal pockets.


Your dentist will also use special manual hand instruments after the ultrasonic tool. These instruments are often curettes and scalers used to remove any residual areas of bacterial deposits. Curettes and scalers are designed to penetrate deeper into gum pockets and different mouthparts.

Placing Antibiotic

You could require additional treatments if you have periodontal pockets with a severe infection. This can include placing antibiotic capsules or prescribing irrigation. It is done using a syringe to put small doses directly into the periodontal pockets. Your dentist could also recommend using a strong mouthwash for several weeks.

Evaluation Of The Deep Cleaning Procedure

You will return to your dentist after completing the two deep cleaning appointments. The follow-up evaluation is usually two to four weeks after the deep cleaning procedure. Your dentist will examine the gum pockets and check if the tissues have reattached in any area. Your dentist will also create a maintenance plan, including grafting if necessary.

Referral to a Specialist

Sometimes, you could have severe gum disease, and your local dentist does not have sufficient resources to treat it effectively. You could also fail to respond to treatment as expected by your local dentist. Your local dentist will refer you to a periodontist or gum specialist. A periodontist will use microscopes to see deep into gum pockets.


A specialist can also conduct a surgical procedure like gum flap surgery. This procedure involves retracting tissues to access the root surfaces to enhance the thorough cleaning of areas with aggressive gum disease. Once the periodontist completes the periodontal scaling, he/she will refer you to your local dentist. You could alternate the follow-up appointments between your dentist and the periodontist.

Dental Care Following A Deep Cleaning

It is crucial to follow specific care instructions After undergoing a deep cleaning procedure. Following the proper routine promotes healing and enhances good oral hygiene. Here is a guide on how to take care of your teeth following a deep cleaning:


  • Avoid eating immediately after the procedure — Your gums could be sensitive after the deep cleaning. So it is best to avoid eating for at least 1 to 2 hours following the procedure. This gives the gums time to heal and reduces the risk of food particles irritating the treated areas.
  • Be gentle with your teeth and gums when brushing and flossing — Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid vigorous scrubbing. Also, use a gentle touch when flossing around the treated areas.
  • Rinse with a saltwater solution — Rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution twice to three times daily. Saltwater helps reduce inflammation and aids in the healing process.
  • Use a mouthwash, if recommended — Your dentist or dental hygienist can prescribe or recommend a specific antimicrobial mouthwash. Mouthwash helps control bacterial growth and support gum healing. If prescribed, follow the instructions provided for its use.
  • Avoid smoking and tobacco products — Smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications after deep teeth cleaning. It is best to refrain from smoking or using tobacco products during healing.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks — For the first 24 hours, avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods and beverages, as they may irritate the treated areas. Stick to soft, non-irritating foods during this period.
  • Keep up with oral hygiene — Continue your routine, including brushing twice daily and flossing daily. However, be gentle around the treated areas and follow your dentist's instructions. Aggressive brushing could worsen the discomfort at the treatment site.
  • Attend follow-up appointments — Keeping any follow-up appointments scheduled with your dentist or dental hygienist is essential. They will evaluate the healing progress, remove any stitches if necessary, and ensure that your oral health is on track.
  • Use sensitive toothpaste if needed — if you experience tooth sensitivity after deep cleaning, you can use toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth to help alleviate discomfort.
  • Stay hydrated — Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated and to help flush out any remaining debris from the deep cleaning.


Remember that every individual's healing process is unique. Therefore, you should not ignore any unusual pain or excessive bleeding. Contact your dentist or dental hygienist for guidance and support if you have concerns about oral health during the next 24 hours or beyond.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Deep Cleaning

Below are the leading benefits of deep cleaning:


  • Protects the roots of your teeth.
  • Eliminates bad breath caused by gum disease.
  • Cleans your teeth below and above the gum line.
  • Treats new infections and promotes healing.
  • Prevents the spread of gum disease.


Despite the many benefits of deep cleaning, it has some potential risks that include:


  • Pain or sensitivity.
  • If you have a compromised immune system, you could easily be infected.
  • It could cause your gums to recede.
  • It does not guarantee the reattachment of your gums to your teeth.
  • It can cause nerve damage.

Find Deep Cleaning Services Near Me

Deep cleaning offers many benefits, especially if you have gum disease. It removes accumulated plaque and tartar, even in the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth.


Do you need quality and affordable deep cleaning services?


Our experienced dentists at the La Puente Advanced Dentistry can help. Our dentists have been providing deep cleaning services with excellent results for years. All our dentists are compassionate. They will go out of their way to deliver the best services. Contact us at 626-626-7075 to speak to one of our dentists.